
Showing posts from July, 2018

Theory Study Guide

Answer these questions when you study a theory. What Problem does this method solve? Basic concepts Definitions historicial development + who is the first author that uses this method? + Who did corrections + comments Govering Eqs + assumptions + mathematical simplfication ad and disadvantages application history, assumption (simplification), import Eq. Figs., limit, application ( what is it used for)


‎ Table of Contents 1. Wake    wake 1.1. Researchers 1.2. Theory 1.2.1. entrainment of kinetic energy 1.3. Near vs Far wake 1.4. FAQ 1.4.1. what is wake? 1.4.2. why momentum is reduced? 1.4.3. Who is the first author study wind/tidal turbine wake? 1.5. Turbulent wake state 1.5.1. turbulent wake of a circular cylinder 1.5.2. Reference 1.6. Wake Models 1.6.1. References 1.7. Numerical modelling 1.7.1. Turbulence model for turbine wake 1.8. Dynamic wake model    Dynamic_Wake 1.9. Turbulence in wakes and wind farms 1.9.1. free stream/wake mixing 1.9.2. Thrust vs Velocity Reduction 1.9.3. Turbulence Intensity VS Blade Design 1.10. wake structure 1.11. Wake of a wind/Tidal turbine :Turbine:    wake 1.11.1. experimental study 1.11.2. Reference 1.12. Visualization 1.13. Quantities Analysis 1.13.1. pressure along streamwise direction 1.14. Refe...

Turbulence Parameter for a tidal turbine

Turbulence Parameters Field Data Novo P Kyozuka Y 2017   Field measurement and numerical study of tidal current turbulence intensity in the Kobe Strait of the Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture ‎ Table of Contents 1. Turbulence Parameters    Turbulence_intensity 1.1. Turbulence Intensity: 1.2. Turbulent Length scale: 1.3. Turbulence Parameters for e387 turbine 1.4. Turbulence Parameter in Numerical Modelling 1 Turbulence Parameters    Turbulence_intensity keywords: turbulence intensity, turbulence length scale, tidal turbine, flume 1.1 Turbulence Intensity: 1-3% 1 1.75 % 2 10-20% (James Mcnaughton, 2013) Field Data : 10%-25.5% 3 1.2 Turbulent Length scale: 5% of tunnel diameter 1 1/3 channel depth 4 0.5m in water flume (turbine D=0.5m) 2 numerical DES modelling of the effect on turbulence length scale on wake recovery rate of a 1/20th scale model (0.5m) of HWT...